Subscriber sign up forms HTML

Here's how you can build a name capture HTML form for your website.

Login and go to Contacts on the top navigation bar, Clicks Manage Lists, to make a new list click Blue Create List button. Go back to Manage Lists and click on the green generate code button.  From here you can customize your form information, and opt-in response.  Be sure to add your company information into the placeholder that we've left for you as an example (see the Auto-responder Text below). You'll also be able to click the type of information you'd like to collect on the form type.  The success URL is the "Thank You" page or redirect page after your subscriber signs up from your website.

It is your responsibility to have the proper opt-in language and other compliance information.

When we applied for the mandatory carrier registration we sent you all of this information.

This is a great tool but, cannot be used for the mandatory carrier registration, yet, we may build out in the future.

As always, if you need to contact us, send us an email us at

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