Messages Being Filtered

Please note that if we identify issues where our carrier providers notify Betwext that a high rate of unwanted messages originating from your account is reported we may take the following action.  We may enable updated outbound message filtering on your account from a specified date  This action may not be a total account suspension. You may notice some or all of your outbound messaging traffic is undelivered, but other services such as inbound messaging or voice calls will not be affected. This determination may be made based on our review of multiple factors including, but not limited to:

A high opt out rate, which indicates that end users receiving messages are more likely to object and generate complaints.

A high carrier filtering rate, which indicates that external carrier filters are refusing to deliver your messages.

A high delivery error rate, which indicates you may be attempting to contact numbers that are no longer in service

Failure to include clear opt out instructions in your initial outreach messages. Please note that the Betwext Messaging Policy requires that the initial message that you send to an individual needs to include the following language: "Reply STOP to unsubscribe.”

Failure to use double opt-in consent. Some business uses cases are required to follow a double opt-in consent process, as set forth by providers messaging policy: it appears your business content is one of these.

First, the message recipient must knowingly provide consent to you or your customer prior to receiving any text message. That consent must be provided through an electronic signature or some other online sign-up form that makes clear to the individual they are agreeing to receive messages of this type.

Second, in your first text message to that individual, you must identify yourself and prompt the individual to confirm their consent. It is not permissible to message the individual further until they have provided this consent reply.

What Do I Do if this happens to your account?

You can appeal this decision at any time. If your appeal is successful, we may remove outbound message filtering on your account (the filtering that is in our control – note providers may choose to additionally filter at any time). To appeal, reply directly to this email. In your response, please provide detailed answers to the following questions:

  • 1. Are you aware of any reasons why we would perceive unwanted messaging being sent from your account?

What is your account's current business use case, opt-in, and opt-out process, including steps that end-users take to give consent for receiving communications? Providing screenshots or links to this process is also helpful.

  • 2. What steps have you taken to prevent further unwanted messages sent from this account, and when did you take those actions?

Your responses to these questions are vital to assist us in better assessing your appeal. Please allow at least 2 business days for us to respond. Since we have observed significant unwanted messaging on your account, we must have confidence that this activity is no longer occurring in order to maintain or reinstate your account's access to outbound messaging services. These actions are taken in order to ensure Betwext complies with carrier expectations to safeguard against messaging abuse.

The fastest way to initiate your appeal is to respond to the email that may be sent to you with the information we have requested above.

We take compliance seriously and will take action if these issues arise from our provider.

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