Keywords and Auto Responders

To edit your replies go to ADVANCED in your top navigation then KEYWORDS

Then click the edit button for just that keyword to edit  be SURE to click on the button at the bottom to save changes to the Keyword.

Or, if you have other follow ups you can click the MORE INFO button to the right of the Keyword then edit next to the drips/follow up.

Also be sure that your generic auto-responder is set how you'd like by going to  PROFILE in the top navigation. Don't forget to add opt-out language like "Stop to end" on ALL autoresponders and Keyword responders.

You can decide if you'd like to set this so that just ONE reply will come from here.  Please see the setting below the generic text window.  Otherwise the generic auto-responder will go to all those who reply with any response other than STOP (stop goes to immediate unsubscribe status).

Be sure to click SAVE once you've made any edits or changes.

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