Unsubscribe From A List

Please note texting is not like emails when it comes to lists.  If a subscriber is on several lists and you choose to manually opt-out said subscriber they will be automatically pushed to the unsubscribe status for your entire account.

There is not a setting to keep a subscriber opted in on a separate list.  The only way to opt back in is to reply START from the end user hand set. You cannot do this manually. 

Subscribers can certainly contact your business and you can segment your sending based on their request but once they opt out that's it - no more sending. 

Please be sure to consistently check your IM/All Response messages and manage your unsubscribes prior to sending a campaign or message. Note: STOP to end will normally automatically unsubscribe your subscriber (when replied as a single word with no special characters or images). Be sure to utilize the manual unsubscribe tool to execute this operation for any other replies such as remove, cancel, emojis etc.

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